Daniela Morpurgo
ERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Polytechnic of Turin

Daniela Morpurgo is a postdoctoral Research Fellow at Polytechnic and University of Turin (DIST) as part of the research team working on the ERC project “Inhabiting Radical Housing”.
She holds a M.Sc. in Planning and Urban Policies (2015) and recently obtained her Ph.D. in Urban Studies and Social Science from Gran Sasso Science Institute (2021). She also was a visiting at the SSIM Unesco Chair at IUAV, Venice (2019).
In the time between her Master and Phd she spent some time working as a professional planner for privates and administrations.
Daniela interests gravitate around issues of social diversity and inequalities, with a particular attention to the urban impacts of migration and spatial implications of social conflict. Her works are positioned at the border of planning and geography (urban and legal geographies) and deeply borrow from neighborhood disciplines such as sociology and anthropology. While in the past she has focused on the planning limits in dealing with diversity – religious diversity in particular – her contribute to Radical HOUSING project will open a new chapter of research and focus on sex work and housing struggles, considering their intersection as a gateway to look at broader fights related to issues class, race, gender and sexuality.
Selected Publications
Morpurgo, D. (2021). The Limits of Planning: Avoidance, Concealment, and Refusal of Religious Diversity in Northeast Italy, Planning Theory & Practice, DOI: 10.1080/14649357.2021.1876907
Chiodelli, F; Morpurgo, D. (2022). Placing the law: The socio-spatial impact of legal norms beyond mere compliance, Transactions of The Institute of British Geographers, ↗ DOI