Silvia Aru
Assistant professor of Economic and Political Geography at the University of Turin

Silvia Aru is an assistant professor of Economic and Political Geography at the University of Turin. She has specialised in Human Geography since her Master’s degree at the University of Florence (2005). Her training progressed at the University of Trieste (2009), where she obtained a PhD in Geohistory and Geoeconomics of the Border Regions. Silvia conducted empirical research in various Italian contexts (Florence, Cagliari, Turin, Ventimiglia) and abroad (Vancouver, Rio de Janeiro, Amsterdam) in academic and non-academic fields. Her research interests encompass migration policies and their socio-spatial impacts and related issues of justice and socio-spatial inclusion/exclusion. On these topics, she conducted a Marie Curie fellowship at the University of Amsterdam (2018-2020) titled “A Place for the Asylum Seekers. European migration policies and their socio-spatial impacts” (PASS). Silvia’s research activity has found, over time, a synthesis in several publications in peer-reviewed journals, in two monographs addressing the geography of migration, as well as in talks at multiple national and international conferences and seminars. She is also a committee member of the Association of Italian Geographers (AGeI) and Co-Editor of the Rivista Geografica Italiana.
Selected publications
Aru (2022), ‘I had no idea that Europe had internal borders’. Migrants’ ‘secondary movements’ within the EU’s internal border regime, Environment and Planning C. Politics and Space. Accepted and under publication.
Aru (2021), “Abandonment, Agency, Control. Migrants’ Camps in Ventimiglia”, Antipode. A Radical Journal of Geography, pp. 1-20. DOI 10.1111/anti.12738, pp. 1-20.
Aru (2021), “Migrants ‘at Stake’: Agency and Autonomy in Ventimiglia”, in L. Amigoni, S. Aru, I. Bonnin, G. Proglio, C. Vergnano (eds.), Debordering Europe: migration and control across the Ventimiglia region. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 159-177. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-56518-3.