Sarah Marie Hall

Sarah Marie HALL

Reader in Human Geography at the University of Manchester

Dr Sarah Marie Hall is Reader in Human Geography at the University of Manchester, and is affiliated with the Morgan Centre for Research into Everyday Lives and Manchester Urban Institute. Her research sits in the broad field of geographical feminist political economy: understanding how socio-economic processes are shaped by gender relations, lived experience and social difference. This includes contributions to three key areas: everyday life and economic change; social reproduction, care, ethics and consumption; and feminist praxis.  

Sarah currently leads a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship on the theme of Austerity and Altered Lifecourses, a 4+ year project across the UK, Spain and Italy. Alongside this, she is co-chair of the Urban Justice, Gender and Social Difference Feminist Collective; co-editor of the flagship geography journal Area; member of the editorial board of the IHG Radical Geography book series; member of the WBG management committee; and an academic advisor (Methods Advisory Group) to the UK Government Department of Work and Pensions.  

Selected publications

Hall, S.M. (2019) Everyday Life in Austerity: Family, Friends and Intimate Relations, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan. 

Hall, S.M. (2020) ‘Social Reproduction as Social Infrastructure’, Soundings, 76(1): 82-94. 

Hall, S.M. (2022) ‘The Social Life of Crisis’, ISRF Bulletin, link 

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