Oluwafemi Olajide

Former ERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Polytechnic of Turin

Oluwafemi Olajide was part of the ERC Inhabiting Radical Housing project (PI: Lancione) from January 2022 to March 2023.

Oluwafemi holds a PhD in Urban Planning from Newcastle University, United Kingdom. More broadly, he is profoundly concerned about urban affairs, with a particular focus on the intersections of governance and urban development within the domains of livelihoods, poverty, informality housing rights, participation, and social movements. While is empirical context focuses on Lagos, Nigeria, he draws examples from urban dynamics and development paradox in the Global South. He is concerned about seeking ways to improve the living conditions of the urban poor. He explores how urban realities are mediated by the institutional structures and governance dynamics. He is currently exploring how unfinished business of colonisation, and the quest for global capital and urban modernity shape governance and development ideology, and the implications on the livelihoods of the urban poor. He has been involved in several funded research projects including Urban Governance and Turning African Cities Around, funded by Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR).

Oluwafemi is a 2018 fellow of Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI), Brown University, USA.

Selected Publications 

Olajide, O.A. and Lawanson, T. (2021). Urban Paradox and the Rise of the Neo-liberal City: Case study of Lagos, Nigeria. Urban Studies DOI 

Olajide O.A., Agunbiade M.E. and Bishi, H.B (2020).  Governance, Sustainable Development Goals and the Lagos Homeownership Mortgage Scheme.  African Journal of Housing and Sustainable Development (AJHSD): 1 (1), 61-76

Olajide, A.O., Agunbiade, M. E. and Bishi, H.B. (2018). The Realities of Lagos Urban Development Vision on Livelihoods of the Urban Poor. Journal of Urban Management, 7: 21–31. Science Direct 

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