Melissa García-Lamarca
Associate Senior Lecturer at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies
Melissa García-Lamarca was part of the Beyond Inahabitation Lab Core Team as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow working on the CLIMATEJUSTHOME project, from late 2022 to the end of 2023. She moved onto a tenure-track job at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies.
With a PhD in Geography from the University of Manchester, she held Spanish- and European-funded postdoctoral positions for the past six years at the Autonomous University of Barcelona’s Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability.
Her work untangles the lived experiences of housing financialisation and collective struggles towards housing justice, as well as the financial and real estate related dimensions of urban green inequalities. Melissa is a member of the Radical Housing Journal editorial collective, and has over fifteen years of experience working as a consultant in a sustainability workers cooperative, a researcher, teacher and project coordinator in Canada and internationally.
To know more about Melissa’s Marie-Curie project, please visit:
García Lamarca, M. Non-Performing Loans, Non-Performing People: Life and Struggle with Mortgage Debt in Spain. 2022. Athens, University of Georgia Press. Geographies of Justice and Social Transformation series.
Selected publications
García-Lamarca, M., Anguelovski, I., Venner, K. 2022. Challenging the financial capture of urban greening. Nature communications, 13: 7132.
García-Lamarca, M., Anguelovski, I., Cole, H.V.S., Connolly, J.J.T., Pérez-del-Pulgar, C., Shokry, G., Triguero-Mas, M. 2022. Urban green grabbing: Residential real estate developers discourse and practice in gentrifying Global North neighborhoods, Geoforum, 128: 1-10.
García-Lamarca, M. 2021. Real Estate Crisis Resolution Regimes and Residential REITs: Emerging Socio-Spatial Impacts in Barcelona. Housing Studies, 36(9): 1407-1426.