Margherita Grazioli

Fixed-term assistant professor in Economic Political Geography, Gran Sasso Science Institute (L’Aquila, Italy)

Dr. Margherita Grazioli is fixed-term assistant professor (RTDa) in Economic Political Geography in the GSSI’s Social Sciences Area. She was awarded her PhD at the School of Business of the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of the University of Leicester (UK). Her doctoral dissertation discusses the right to the city, urban commons and self-organised housing in Rome. Her main areas of research are: geographies and infrastructures of habitability in urban and non-urban remote, marginalised areas; grassroots housing practices and squatting; mutual aid practices, multilevel policies and social innovation. Her methodological expertise is especially in qualitative research methods, with a focus on activist-ethnographic techniques.

She is the convener of the doctoral course “Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods” at the GSSI, and part of the GSSI’s Social Sciences Research Tracks “Cities” and “Peripheries”.

Selected publications

 Grazioli, M. (2023), ‘Eurhythmisation and organisational rites of housing squats in Rome’. City,  27(3-4): 377-393DOI: 

Grazioli, M. (2022) ‘Batti il 5!’ Grassroots strategies against the administrative invisibilisation of Rome’s housing squatters before and during the pandemic. Radical Housing Journal, 4(1): 31-50. DOI: 

Grazioli, M. (2021) Metropoliz, Città Meticcia. Storia militante di un’occupazione abitativa, Red Star Press (

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