Emma Shaw Crane
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Society of Fellows in the Humanities at Columbia University

Emma Shaw Crane is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Society of Fellows in the Humanities at Columbia University in the City of New York, where she is affiliated with the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity and the Department of Anthropology. She received her PhD in American Studies from New York University in 2021. Emma’s research focuses on the intersections of race, environment, and U.S. empire in the sub/urban Americas. Her newest project, in collaboration with a coalition of community organizers, tracks the relationship between sugarcane and confinement at a hybrid municipal jail and federal migrant detention facility in South Florida. She is co-editor, with Ananya Roy, of Territories of Poverty: Rethinking North and South (University of Georgia Press 2015). Her work has been published in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Public Culture, and Antipode. In 2024, Emma will join Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles as Assistant Professor of Urban and Environmental Studies.
Selected publications
Crane, Emma Shaw. “Lush aftermath: Race, labor, and landscape in the suburb,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 41(2) (2023): 210-230
Crane, Emma Shaw. “The Poisoned Periphery: Research Methods for Cities Edge,” Public Culture 34(3 (98)) (2022): 359-364: https://doi.org/10.1215/08992363-9937255
Baldwin, Davarian and Emma Shaw Crane. “Cities, Racialized Poverty, and Infrastructures of Possibility,” Antipode 52 (2) (2020): 365-379