Devra Waldman

Former ERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Polytechnic of Turin

Devra Waldman was part of the ERC Inhabiting Radical Housing project (PI: Lancione) from January 2022 to June 2023.

Her research interests center on issues around (post)colonial/decolonial theory, contested terrain of land acquisition and real estate development, environmental aesthetics and the politics of physical culture in the imagination of urban space, and experiences of dispossession in India. Her previous Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) funded doctoral and postdoctoral work investigated how large-scale sport/leisure focused gated community and ‘new city’ developments in peri-urban India are reshaping conceptualizations of the ‘city’ through global capitalist interventions and domestic development practices. She has published in interdisciplinary outlets such as IJURR and Geoforum, and in collections including Urban Studies Inside-Out; the Handbook of Physical Cultural Studies, and; Sport, Development, and Environmental Sustainability.

Selected publications

Waldman, D. (2021). Aiming for the ‘green’: (post)colonial and aesthetic politics in the design of a purified gated environment. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.  

Loewen, K., Waldman, D., & Omstedt, M. (2019). Constructing a feminist urban political economy: on Lesley Kern’s sex and the revitalized city. In H. Leitner, J. Peck, & E. Sheppard (Eds.) Urban Studies Inside-Out. Sage.  

Waldman, D., Silk, M., & Andrews, D.L. (2017). Cloning colonialism: Residential development, transnational aspiration, and the complexities of postcolonial India. Geoforum, 82, 180-188.

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