Cristina Cielo
Professor-Researcher of Sociology in the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Ecuador

Cristina Cielo is Professor-Researcher in the Department of Sociology and Gender Studies of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Quito, Ecuador. She studies the subjective and political dimensions of economic inequality produced by the violence of contemporary forms of property and authority. She has explored these issues through research and teaching in Ecuador and Bolivia, the Philippines, and Bolivia, California, and South Africa. Through collaborative and comparative methodologies, she seeks to contribute to the relational analysis of our multi-scale belongings in the global economy, in national territories and in our common and vital forms of care.
Dr. Cielo currently researches the affective ecologies of diverse economies in Ecuador and the political possibilities of those who sustain them. In addition, she seeks to understand the shaping of knowledge and translocal links between regions of the south, within the framework of national higher education and development policies. She works with the several collectives that study and support popular economies, as well as the Economies, Ecologies and Politics of the Common Research Group.
Selected publications
Cielo, Cristina. [Forthcoming]. Prácticas cotidianas y comunes diversos. Propiedad, agua y política en las periferias del capital. Quito: FLACSO Editorial.
Cielo, Cristina and Elizabeth Lopez. 2021. Reproductive work, territorial commons and political precarity in peripheral extractive sites. Global Labour Journal 12(3): 267-287.
Cielo, Cristina. 2019. Vivencias precarias y desigualdades urbanas en Bolivia y las Filipinas. Arts of the Working Class No.5: Worlds of Homelessness. Los Angeles: Goethe Institut.