Chiara Cacciotti
ERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Polytechnic of Turin
Chiara Cacciotti is an anthropologist and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Polytechnic and University of Turin (DIST) as part of the research team working on the ERC project “Inhabiting Radical Housing”. She obtained her PhD in Social and Urban Anthropology at Sapienza University of Rome (DICEA). She is the vice president of the grassroot volunteer organization Solid Roma, aimed at gathering and coordinating many of the Roman self-organized solidarity realities active during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her research interests include housing precarity, squatting, informality, cosmopolitan enclaves and urban liminalities. She has conducted extensive ethnographic fieldwork on the cultural and political function of squatting for housing in Rome. She has significant experience in qualitative methods and analysis, having worked in several projects for NGOs and organizations such as Unicef and Censis (as the Italian partner for the SoNAR-Global international project “COVID-19 Vulnerability Assessment and Community Engagement”, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program). She has published in both international and Italian journals. She also translated from English to Italian for Raffaello Cortina Editore (2019), together with Piero Vereni and Simone Cerulli, the volume On Kings written by David Graeber and Marshall Sahlins.
Selected publications
Cacciotti, C., (2021). When diversity becomes a resource. Managing alterity and everyday cosmopolitanisms in the roman primary school Carlo Pisacane. Critique of Anthropology 41(4): 374-388.
Cacciotti, C., (2020). When squatting becomes ‘stable precarity’. The case of Santa Croce/Spin Time Labs, Rome. Visual Ethnography 9(2): 13-31.