Camillo Boano
Full Professor of Urban Design and Critical Theory at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL London
Full Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Camillo Boano is Full Professor of Urban Design and Critical Theory at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL London and Full Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He is Co-Director of the UCL Urban Laboratory. Camillo’s research centers on the encounters between critical theory and urban design processes and the architecture of inhabitation. He is working on a series of interconnected research projects on urban infrastructures, habitability, people on the move, refugee spaces and the urban project in Middle East, Latin America and Europe. He is leading “Lifelines: The infrastructure of habitability” project and is part of different research teams focusing migration, housing, camps and the urban dimensions in Lebanon. He is the author of The Ethics of Potential Urbanism. Critical Encounters between Giorgio Agamben and Architecture (Routlege, 2017) and Progetto Minore. Alla ricerca della Minorità nel Progetto Archiettonico ed Urbanistico (LetteraVentidue, 2020) e con Cristina Bianchetti di Lifelines. Politics, ethics, and the affective economy of inhabiting (Jovis, 2022) e con Antonio Di Campli di Decoloniare l’Urbanistica (LetteraVentidue, 2022).
Selected publications
Boano, C., (2020) Forms of (Collective) Life: The Ontoethics of Inhabitation, Architecture and Culture, 8:3-4, pp: 549-563.
Astolfo, G., Boano, C., (2020) ‘Unintended cities’ and inoperative violence. Housing resistance in Yangon. Journal of Planning Theory and Practice, Vol. 21(3), pp: 426-449.
Boano, C., Talocci G., (2018) Inoperative Design: ‘Not Doing’ and the experience of the Community Architects Network, CITY, Vol. 21(6), pp: 860-871