Ana Vilenica
ERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Polytechnic of Turin

Ana Vilenica is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow for the ERC project ‘Inhabiting Radical Housing’ at the Polytechnic of Turin’s Inter-university Department of Regional & Urban Studies and Planning (DIST). She is the Radical Housing Journal Editor and the Editor for Central and East Europe at Interface-journal for and about social movements. She edited four books, among which Radical Housing: Art, Struggle, Care is the most recent with the Institute of Networked Culture in Amsterdam. She is a long-term housing and feminist activist in Serbia, the UK and on the European level. She was a winner of the prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship for the project focusing on housing deprivation and citizen initiatives for change in Serbia and the UK.
Selected publications
Ana Vilenica, Vladimir Mentus, Irena Ristić, (2021). Struggles for Care Infrastructures in Serbia: The Pandemic, Dispossessed Care, and Housing, Historical Social Research, 46(4):189-208.
Ana Vilenica (2019) Becoming an Accomplice in housing Struggles in Vulturilor Street, Dialogues in Human Geography, Vol 9 Issue 2: 210-213.
Ana Vilenica (2019) Contradictions and Antagonisms in (anti-)social(ist) Housing in Serbia, ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geography, Vol 18 No 5: 1261-1282.